fTWC Projects (Last Updated 3/31/2022)
Bull Flat Research Project 2022
- These are findings on our obstacles to posting educational information to the public.
Tumalo Natural Area (BLM)
fTWC has an ongoing Cooperative Management Agreement with the BLM Prineville office for the creation, maintenance and management of the BLM land known as the Tumalo Natural Area (TNA). This agreement was signed in 2013. Under the direction of and with material support from BLM, fTWC has and will continue to:
- Create and maintain signage identifying the boundaries and regulations of the TNA.
- Facilitate the identification and blocking of unauthorized user defined trails and roads.
- Facilitate the cooperation of landowners within the TNA to oversee the preservation of this fragile urban/rural interface.
- Encourage the resolution of land ownership issues between the BLM and Tumalo Irrigation District.
- Encourage standardization of use regulations and educational information within the greater Bull Flats area to include liaison activities with the BLM, Deschutes National Forest, the Department of State Lands (Oregon), the Tumalo Irrigation District and private landowners.
- As part of this ongoing effort, fTWC plans to quantify Vehicle, OHV, Bicycle and Pedestrian trail and road usage using intermittent manual counting and TRAFx technology (https://www.trafx.net), where feasible and legally permitted. We believe this will help us target where best to place educational resources.
Winter Range Cooperative Closure
fTWC continues to support this initiative between BLM, Deschutes National Forest, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and Landowners to
- Increase winter survival of deer,
- Provide more hunting recreational opportunities and
- Protect and improve range land.
fTWC’s involvement includes supporting the maintenance of signage within the Tumalo Natural Area and its immediate environs and reporting gross violations to the Oregon State Police. Directly download a map of the closure area or visit the ODFW website for the map and additional information.
fTWC continues to support the Deschutes County’s ‘Adopt a Road’ program for Sisemore Road. We coordinate a cleanup of Sisemore (and its immediate environs) twice a year. Please indicate your interest in being part of this effort by subscribing to our newsletter and notifications. The Spring 2017 plan will be posted here and the blog when it becomes available.
Old Tumalo Dam Wheelhouse
fTWC continues to support the maintenance of this historic structure with trash cleanup and graffiti amelioration on periodic basis.