AoC: fTWC’s Area of Concern is HERE.
ACEC: Area of Critical Environmental Concern: “The special resources for which ACECs were designated are protected. Guidelines for the amount and type of public uses are established. In addition, opportunities for public education and interpretation are fostered, along with partnerships to help protect and interpret these resources.” (From the UDRMP)
BFR: Bull Flat Road: A road traversing Bull Flat to the north and north east of the current Tumalo Reservoir.
BLM: Bureau of Land Management (
COAMP: Central Oregon Asset Management Plan: )
DNF: Deschutes National Forest (
DSL: Department of State Lands (
FOIA: Freedom of Information Act ( This Federal mechanism for requesting information exists in various forms at the State and Local level as well.
fTWC: friends of the Tumalo Wildlife Corridor (
ODFW: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (
OWRD: Oregon Water Resources Dept (
TID: Tumalo Irrigation District (
TNA: Tumalo Natural Area – essentially the area included in the Tumalo Block of the UDRMP (RMP_Map24_MotorizedUse_Tumalo).
UDRMP: Upper Deschutes Resource Management Plan (BLM). This is BLM’s current controlling document for use and management of their portion of the AoC. File: 2005_ROD_&_RMP.pdf. link: